Technical accounting

Whether you are an in-house accountant or running an accounting practice, we assist you in navigating the complexities of accounting standards and practices.

We specialise in navigating the complexities of accounting standards and practices, ensuring compliance and quality information delivery. Our expertise extends to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS), and Singapore income and indirect tax and regulations. In an environment where stakeholders, including potential investors, shareholders, and government regulators, demand accuracy and compliance, we stand ready to assist.

Redesign accounting process

We leverage our extensive experience in technical accounting and business to transform complex rules and standards into practical, efficient accounting procedures tailored to your business needs.

Formulate accounting policies and manual

Our industry knowledge enables us to assist management in assessing and selecting the most appropriate accounting policies. We focus not just on current transactions but also on future opportunities, ensuring that your accounting policies are robust, compliant, and forward-looking.

Accounting and tax justification

Navigating through intricate accounting standards and tax rules requires more than textbook knowledge. It demands an understanding of the rules, guidance, common interpretations, industry practices and precedence. Our team, with experience in Big 4 accounting firms and MNCs, offers clear, well-researched accounting and tax positions for complex transactions and products.

Partnering with accounting firms

We collaborate with accounting firms, enhancing their service range and providing technical support. This partnership allows them to better meet their clients’ diverse needs.

Our experience

Assisted a client through annual statutory financial closing, including advising on financial statements presentation and handling discussions on contentious matters with a Big 4 auditor.
Formulated accounting treatment for a multi-million dollar real estate transaction involving sale and leaseback.
Led the initial adoption of Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) and group-wide alignment of subsidiaries' to IFRS equivalent in local countries.
Implemented Singapore Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime in the fintech field, with zero-rated supplies, exempt supplies and reverse charge considerations.
Assessed the accounting and financial reporting implications and tax risks for principal and agent considerations of new service lines.
Advised an SME group seeking public offering on consolidation matters, including clean up of translation reserve, equity transactions with non-controlling interest, and consolidation practices.

Why us?

Our deep understanding of technical accounting, combined with practical business acumen, positions us uniquely to provide invaluable support. We turn complexity into clarity, ensuring your accounting practices not only comply with regulations but also align seamlessly with your business objectives.

Like what you’ve seen? Get in touch to learn more.